Primary Law Sources |
Nunavut Statutes and Regulations |
Secondary Materials |
Canadian Bar Review (Journal) |
Updated online with a new edition: |
Administrative Law in Canada, 6th ed. (Blake) |
Annotated Ontario Building Code Act, 2018 Ed. (Mascarin, Levitt) |
British Columbia Family Law Practice, 2018 Ed. (Huddart, Brown) |
Canada Business Corporations Act & Commentary, 2018/2019 Ed. (Fasken) |
Canadian Business Corporations Law, 3rd Ed (McGuiness) |
Canadian Collective Bargaining Law: Principles and Practice, 3rd Ed. (Rayner, Rayner, Knight, MacDonald) |
Canadian Contract Law, 4th Ed. (Swan, Adamski, Na) |
Canadian Federal Courts Practice, 2018 Ed (Hughes, Renaud, and Horne) |
Canadian Immigration and Refugee Law Practice, 2018 Ed. (Waldman) |
Government Procurement, 4th Ed. (Emanuelli) |
Impaired Driving in Canada, 5th Ed. (Kenkel) |
Ontario Courtroom Procedure, 4th Ed (Fuerst, Sanderson) |
Ontario Family Law Practice, 2018 Ed. (Steinberg, Perkins, Lenkinski and James) |
Ontario Superior Court Practice, 2018 Ed. (Archibald, Killeen, Morton) |
Palmer and Snyder: Collective Agreement Arbitration in Canada, 6th Ed. (Snyder) |
Sentencing, 9th Ed. (Ruby, Chan, Hasan, Enenajor) |
Sopinka, Lederman & Bryant: The Law of Evidence in Canada, 5th ed. (Bryant, Lederman, Fuerst) |
The Law of Civil Procedure in Ontario, 3rd Ed. (Perell, Morden) |
The Law of Libel in Canada, 4th Ed. (Downard) |
The Law of Search and Seizure, 10th Ed. (Fontana and Keeshan) |
The Practitioner's Criminal Code, 2018 Ed. (Gold) |
The Practitioner's Criminal Precedents, 5th Ed. (Gold) |
Title Searching and Conveyancing in Ontario, 7th Ed. (Moore) |
Halsbury's Laws of Canada updates in the following volumes: |
Administrative Law (Régimbald, Estabrooks) |
Agriculture (Buckingham) |
Alternative Dispute Resolution (Glaholt, Rotterdam) |
Athletics (Brecher) |
Aviation and Space (Trembley) |
Bankruptcy and Insolvency (Goldstein) |
Business Corporations (McGuinness, Hole) |
Cemeteries and Interment (Nemet-Brown) |
Charities, Associations and Not-for-Profit Organizations (Bourgeois) |
Civil Procedure (Abrams, McGuinness, Brecher) |
Construction Law (Glaholt, Rotterdam) |
Contracts (Swan, Adamski) |
Customs and Excise (Pel, Swick) |
Damages (Blaikie, Orr) |
Debtor and Creditor (Davis, Morin) |
Defamation (Downard) |
Discrimination and Human Rights (Ray-Ellis) |
Education (Wilson) |
Elections (Knight, Nemet Brown) |
Environment (Lucas, Northey, King) |
Hunting and Fishing (Brecher) |
Inquests, Coroners and Medical Examiners (Nemet-Brown) |
Interim Preservation of Property Rights (Abrams, McGuinness, Brecher) |
Landlord and Tenant (Fleming, Fraser) |
Legal Profession (Adamski) |
Legislation (Sullivan) |
Limitation of Actions (Mew, Zacks) |
Liquor Control (Bourgeois, Litner) |
Maritime Law (Fernandes) |
Media and Postal Communications (Brecher) |
Medicine and Health (Molodofsky) |
Municipal (Mascarin) |
Oil and Gas (Thackray) |
Partnerships (Coombs) |
Penitentiaries, Jails and Prisoners (O'Connor) |
Personal Property and Secured Transactions (MacDougall) |
Planning and Zoning (Buholzer) |
Police, Security and Emergencies (Freund) |
Public Utilities (Nemet-Brown) |
Real Property (Lem, Bocska) |
Receivers and Other Court Officers (McGuinness) |
Religious Institutions (Ginn) |
Restitution (McGuinness) |
Roads, Highways and Bridges (Morin) |
Jurisclasseur Quebec updates in the following volumes: |
JCQ Droit civil - Biens et publicité des droits |
JCQ Droit civil - Contrats nommés 2 |
JCQ Droit civil - Obligations et responsabilité civile |
JCQ Droit civil - Personnes et famille |
JCQ Droit civil - Procédure civile I (2e édition) |
JCQ Droit civil - Procédure civile II (2e édition) |
JCQ Droit civil - Successions et libéralités |
JCQ Droit civil - Sûretés |
JCQ Droit des affaires - Droit de la consommation et de la concurrence |
JCQ Droit des affaires - Droit des sociétés |
JCQ Droit des affaires - Faillite, insolvabilité et restructuration |
JCQ Droit des affaires - Propriété intellectuelle |
JCQ Droit des affaires - Valeurs mobilières |
JCQ Droit du travail - Rapports individuels et collectifs du travail |
JCQ Droit du travail - Santé et sécurité du travail |
JCQ Droit pénal - Droit pénal général |
JCQ Droit pénal - Preuve et procédure pénales |
JCQ Droit public - Droit administratif |
JCQ Droit public - Droit constitutionnel |
JCQ Droit public - Droit de l'environnement |
JCQ Droit public - Droit municipal |